How to use this guide
This guide aims to provide a comprehensive resource for both beginners looking for a pragmatic way to dive into the world of accessibility, as well as seasoned experts wanting to extend their knowledge and embrace new inspirations. Here you will find out how to read through our guide, and how to stay up to date.
Reading through this guide
Link to heading "Reading through this guide"This guide encompasses a huge amount of knowledge about various topics of both theoretical and practical nature, all of which are highly relevant to developing accessible websites.
The main audience are web developers, but testing staff, content editors, project managers, etc. may also benefit from it.
To get the most out of this guide, let us explain to you how to use it best, and how you can contribute to it.
Link to heading "Language"This guide is written in a rather shorthand and technical English, so good knowledge of HTML, CSS, JavaScript and commonly used browser technologies is assumed.
Link to heading "Structure"Inspired by the layout of traditional books, we worked hard to give this guide a sensible structure.
The following content elements exist:
- The top level elements are called parts. You are currently in the part titled "Introduction to our guide". In the navigation, short titles are used to save space and enhance skim reading; the current part's short title is "Introduction".
- Every part contains several chapters. You are currently in the chapter titled "How to use this guide"; its short title is "How to use".
- Most chapters contain several pages (and sometimes even sub pages), although the current chapter does not have any of these.
At the bottom of each content element, links to its sub-elements (chapters or pages) are displayed (if there are any). They are similar to the links in the content navigation sidebar, but display both the title and lead text of an element, supporting skim reading and providing quick navigation to interesting elements.
Browsing vs. full read
Link to heading "Browsing vs. full read"Being a comprehensive tutorial, the contents of this guide build up on each other sequentially. So we highly recommend you to start reading from the very beginning, then make your way continuously through the guide (use the Previous and Next links at the bottom to do so). Alas, internal links between different contents are provided sparingly.
However, we have given our best to make the individual content elements as self-standing and self-explanatory as possible. This allows you to browse them on their own as a quick reference. Use the content navigation sidebar to quickly access different contents.
Staying up to date
Link to heading "Staying up to date"To be informed about new or updated contents, related activities (events) or similar, subscribe to our social media channels:
- Facebook: AccessibilityDeveloperGuide
- Twitter: A11yDevGuide
We also provide a content feed: RSS.