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Carousels (or: slideshow, slider)

Very similar to tablists, carousels also help to split up a page's content into smaller and thus more digestible parts which can be toggled visible one at a time.

Carousels are well known especially from photo galleries. They offer a list of controls (usually on top of the element) which allow to toggle the visibility of corresponding panels. Only a single control can be active at a time, so exactly one panel is visible and all others are hidden.


We do not call carousels "sliders" so the difference to the slider pattern (selecting a value in a min/max range) is obvious.

Before you continue, please read Tablist widgets (or: tab panels, tabs) to understand why carousels are extended variants of tablists, simply providing additional controls like previous/next buttons, and sometimes autoplay functionality.

The following requirements are based on well established best practices; unlike most other common widget patterns, the WAI-ARIA Authoring Practices do not offer a section about carousels.

In addition to the tablists' requirements, and besides many other requirements, we want to stress out explicitly the following:

  • Previous/next buttons allow to toggle through available slides (optional).
  • Autoplay functionality toggles through available slides automatically (optional).
    • Autoplay functionality must be pauseable.

Based on the tablists' proof of concept, with additional controls:

Carousel with radio buttonsPreview

Some interesting peculiarities:

  • Previous/next controls are implemented as buttons and simply change the currently active radio button.
  • Autoplay functionality is implemented using a simple timer that clicks the "Next" button every 2 seconds, as long as the "Autoplay" button has aria-pressed="true", see Marking elements activatable using aria-pressed.
    • The autoplay functionality can be toggled: it simply changes the value of aria-pressed="true".
    • It is important that the autoplay button is before the radio buttons in the DOM, so screen reader users can disable it before interacting with them.
  • Using .carousel:focus-within .control label, a style can be applied to all radio button labels upon interacting with the carousel.
    • This gives users a clue that they are interacting with a single control now (indicating to use the Arrow keys instead of Tab to navigate through carousel items).
    • It also separates those controls clearly from other controls like Autoplay, and previous/next, which are accessed using Tab key.
  • By giving the "Autoplay" a dedicated style (bold) upon [aria-pressed="true"], its status is also perceivable to visual users.